I was an hour late for work this morning. I'm supposed to get up at 6:00 but I sometimes (usually) can stretch it to 6:30. However, this morning, I leisurely rolled over at 7:09, about five minutes after I am supposed to leave my house. I know I set my alarm last night, so this means I shut my alarm off and went back to sleep, which I never do. I will blame two nights of Yankee games for this sudden attack of exhaustion and hope that this shutting off of the alarm does not become a habit. Thankfully, there are only two guys who get in before me who actually knew I was late and neither one of them give a shit. And then, I posted it on the Internet and got fired. The End.
Oh, Yankees. Great game Monday. Okay game Tuesday. You lost in miserable fashion but at least the weather was great and two fly balls fell in our immediate vicinity and Tony and I bought matching Yankee hats again, because we continue to be losers together even when we aren't dating. But the Yankees are ending the FINAL SEASON in the current Stadium without making the playoffs for the first time since I gave a shit about them. It's very disheartening. I mean, they haven't been amazing every year and sometimes, it's come down to the wire but they've always made the playoffs. Now Torre's gone and suddenly, I'll have nothing to watch in October. I mean, Manny Ramirez even left Boston for them and they still couldn't win! Ah, well. We'll get 'em next year. Or the year after that, whenever. I'm just hoping no one else catches up to those 26 World Championships before the Yankees start remembering how to win again.
Also, I realized today I have been sick/suffering from allergies for every single day in September. That's gotta be some kind of record.
I wouldn't worry about anyone catching the Yankees in championships before they get back to winning. The next highest amount of championships for a single franchise is 10, by the Cardinals, so unless they go on a decade-and-a-half long tear before the Yanks get their act together, that record's pretty safe.
I have two words that can instantly fix your Post Season blues:
Ranger's Hockey
And me with an extra ticket for every game this year...OMG! we can be BFF!
So explain how you would be using these Rangers season tickets all the way in PA? I think, for the Rangers alone, you should stay.
Yeah, that is quite the dilemma at the moment. I think I may come in for weekend games, if I do wind up in PA. In the meantime, I have two tickets to each game and 1 isn't being used. If you'd like to come to one, or all, let me know. No charge. I just hate to see them go to waste, and I would enjoy the company.
And, if the rangers asked me to stay, I would probably say yes.
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