Thursday, March 5, 2009

my flag boy and your flag boy, sittin' by the fire...

Sunday is the official move in date. I may possibly be asking for volunteers to help out on Sunday afternoon, which I will decide upon tonight after I talk to my father about how many people he thinks we'll need to help. This would involve moving my couch out of the house, which- as much as my father thinks it won't- is going to be difficult. The hallway and doorway of my apartment are very narrow and the movers who brought it in three years ago ripped the back of it on the top of the banister. I probably should have demanded a new couch but no one except Nancy and I ever knew it was ripped and the headache it would have been to get the old one out and the new one in would have been more trouble than it was worth. So, in conclusion, if you're reading this and you're male (so, everyone but Michelle... as far as I know), stay tuned.

I started a new diet on Sunday. So far, it's going well, but the first week of any diet I start always goes well, so I'm not claiming victory yet. I have this idea that once I get into the new place, I am going to buy a Wii Fit and that will be the way I lose weight. Don't tell me marketing doesn't work...

Also, for all the people (you know who you are) who complain about the lack of updates and having nothing to read, go to my other blog and read the first issue of the comic I have posted there. (Yes, I have been reduced to begging people to read things.) Rereading "Watchmen" has made me want to write more of it but I feel sort of stupid to keep doing so when Brendan and I are the only two people reading it... okay, I think Tom read some, too. Anyway, make a poor, old woman happy and read the goddamn thing, so I can feel loved and important. Go on. Your country needs you.


Anonymous said...

Not sure if I'm available Sunday afternoon, but if you're stuck for help I'll see what I can do.

Since everyone's trying to get in shape for the summer, we can all support and help motivate each other. We want to look good in our swimsuits ;). Feel the burn baby! No pain no gain!

Anonymous said...

I read too, Im a girl. Im Nancy

Jen Isgro said...

Sorry, Nan, I didn't think you read it all the time. I retract my statement.

Tom said...

Yes, I read your comic, I think every issue of it!

I already helped you move, because I'm a good friend, and because one day, I too will move....

I'm encouraged by this group getting-in-shape action. We'll be the most sexy bunch of good-looking bastards this side of...okay, I lost what I was going for there, but it's encouraging. Hopefully it'll keep us all honest, if we see progress in each other.

The new place is really nice!