Thursday, July 23, 2009

having my baby...

I am having a baby.

Phew... it feels good to finally get that out on here. I've been refraining from actually releasing the words to the Internet, since there were still some people I was waiting to tell in person. But now, it looks like the cat is out of the bag, so I am clear to discuss my own personal life on my own personal blog. Freeing.

As I mentioned vaguely in the previous post, I would never in a million years have expected my life to go in the direction that it has. That's not to say I'm not happy about it. I mean, everyone wants to find someone they love, get married and have a baby. So, eventually, all that stuff is going to be done and in years to come, no one will remember or care about the order in which it occurred.

I'm very happy with the decisions I've made, especially in light of information I have recently received from some people about some people. Suffice it to say, my life is still running smoothly, and although I understand it will be forever changed on or around Feb. 2, I don't expect it will change who I am as a person. At least, I don't plan on letting it.

Now everyone else (married people)... start catching up.


propmaven said...

Feb. 3rd is my Daddy's birthday! Yay! =) You should take his awesome first & middle name combo "Ray Blaise".

Tom said...

That is a cool name, Michelle, no doubt.

I, of course, will suggest to you what I suggested to Mr. Houle on his latest child "Randall Thor". But I'm just assuming it's a boy, now.

Also, you totally are bating the gossip hounds in us all with that "some people about some people" comment!

Most people I know born in early February are very awesome. This bodes well for your child, I think.

The password is "bilithed", which sounds like something out the poem "Jabberwocky".

Brendan said...

If you consider Randall Thor and not Norrin Radd, I will cry. You ever seen a giant cry? It ain't pretty.

You should also consider "Kallike," which is both the password and the name of a level 11 elven paladin.

Nancy said...

I swear to God Jen if your child is any of these names I will have Krista take the baby away from you and legally call you "unfit" She has that power you know!

Michelle's Dad's name is ok.

You name your child something that is a "password" and I'll have Krista over to your house in 10 mins.

Jen Isgro said...

Um, Nan, Norrin Radd is not a "password." He is a herald of Galactus. Get it right.

propmaven said...

Haha, thanks for havin' my Dad's back Nancy!

"unech"... really?

Brendan said...

Password is "Alangshi." Tell me that's not a name. I dare you.

Nancy said...

....I'm keeping Krista on speed dial. One wrong move Diffendale...

Federico said...

Congratulations. Let's just hope this fetus doesn't go rogue, jen.