I'm sitting here watching Larry King Live and he's talking to a few lawyers about the Caylee Anthony murder and I am literally crying on my couch. How can someone kill a baby like that? How can you look in that baby's eyes- especially when she's YOUR DAUGHTER- and end her life? I just can't imagine how fucking desperate a person has to be to do something like that. And with all the people who want a baby in this world... leave her at the fire department or the police station or at Church.
I wanted to call someone and vent about this but I'm pretty sure my mother is sleeping and neither of my roommates are home and there's really nothing to say about it anyway, other than whining about how people are fucking sick and have no souls. I guess we all knew that anyway but still... I just don't get it. I would have taken her. Anyone out there who is thinking about murdering their babies, just leave them on my doorstep. They'll probably have to eat Ellios and mac and cheese for every meal, but at least they'll be alive.
Also, there is nothing on TV, which is why I was watching Larry King Live in the first place. I blame network programming for making me cry.
Maybe the guy was a demon. Did he eat the baby?
What guy? The mother killed the baby. But I'm pretty sure Larry King is a demon.
Okay I guess I kind of assumed it was the father. Maybe the mother is a demon then.
I'm going to leave a baby on your doorstep for Christmas now. Just pay it forward.
You can call me when you need to vent like that...likely I'll need to vent too, and that will be that.
By the way, if you're so bored that you are watching Larry King Live, there's about a million other things that you jumped over to reach that low. ;)
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