Monday, August 18, 2008

everybody else is doing it, so why can't i?

Okay, I already have a blog over at LiveJournal, but for some reason, I feel tempted to start a new one. Probably because I'm having so much fun reading my friends' efforts and Blogger just looks so neat and spiffy... of course, when I'm feeling geeky, I can't post a tiny picture of Aragorn the way I can on LJ but, you know, you can't have everything.

So, I'm here.

Things have been okay lately in my life. I'm not going to say they're great because, although I'm happy, I'm really not HAPPY. That uppercase really does make a difference. When I think about how lucky I am, I sometimes feel ashamed that I am not constantly bouncing off the walls and spreading cheer everywhere I go... which sounds like a hybrid between Gummi and Care Bears. But, honestly, I have a wonderful family, I have a great apartment with good roommates, some awesome friends, and a job that, for the most part, allows me to live the lifestyle I want to live. I can't complain about any of that. But, you know... not everything is perfect.

Is it wrong to want everything to be perfect?

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