The one remaining Somali pirate is being brought into court today. The news had video of him being escorted by police and made a big deal of how he had a huge smile on his face. What did they expect? He's a fucking
pirate! Can you imagine a pirate walking to his doom with his head down? No, he has to look like a cocky badass right til the end. That smile actually made me respect him a little bit more. Especially since he didn't tamper with the Chinese sneakers.
If they don't brand a "P" on his hand then send him on his way, there is something horribly wrong with our justice system.
The password is "stersy."
Oh man I'm loving this. I again agree with Brendan. And I'm glad they didn't get our sneakers.
All this talk about pirates makes me want to say one thing....
The password is, unhem... let me clear my throat... oh-wait, it IS "unhem". Awesome.
If they got my McFlys, I would've gone all Will Turner on their pirate asses.
The password is "butbiess". I like this one.
I would kind of like to see you "go Will Turner", I am not going to lie.
Stay tuned... it'll happen if these pirates keep it up!
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