I'm starting a new diet. But not really, since I always ALWAYS fail at diets. Mostly because it is impossible for me to completely give up the things I like to eat. I love food too much. Members of my family and old coworkers have all tried two separate diets where the primarily consumed item is a shake. A shake? Really? And that's all I get to eat? I mean, my coworkers actually had "milk days" when they weren't allowed to eat ANYTHING ELSE AT ALL FOR 24 HOURS? So, really, I can't have this donut? Because I really want the donut. You know what? I'm having the donut. And thus, my failure of the fad diets.
I think I might be able to succeed at Nutri System or something else where you are encouraged to lose weight by having food delivered right to your door. No, don't get up. Here's the food. You're welcome. But anyway, I think I might be able to do that because I could pick and choose foods I like. My main problem with dieting is that, as soon as I see a chance to eat food I like, I have to eat it. I can't pass up a cheeseburger for a salad. With Nutri System, they probably have some low cal version of a cheeseburger and I most likely wouldn't know the difference. But, alas, I can't afford anything like that. Also, I have tried Weight Watchers but I usually go through the points in two meals since nothing I like is considered low enough.
So my "diet" is finding the most healthy of the things I will eat and trying to incorporate that into my diet as much as possible. Oatmeal? Sure, I'm eating it now. It's not the best but I can make it through. It's better than my normal breakfast of two waffles slathered in butter and syrup. So, if I can make a meal a bit healthier most of the time, I won't feel bad about the occasional cheeseburger and/or donut. I need those and trying to cut them out completely is the biggest mistake I can make.
I'm also working out but I know that if I don't cut back on the crap, I'll just have kick ass muscles under a layer of fat. And as hot as that sounds...