I am currently on bed rest. Technically, I guess this means I should be lying in bed all day, but I don't think I could ever do that, unless there was some horrific pain to go along with the reason for the bed rest and, this time, there isn't. I am slightly uncomfortable, sometimes much more than others, and my ankles and feet often swell to the point of hilarity, but I am still able to move around... even though I might need a helping hand to help me sit up once in a while. It is not fun to have what amounts to basically a 25 lb. weight in my torso. I'm afraid that for the split second after the baby is removed from me, all I will be happy about is not being pregnant anymore. I think that's fair, if only for a second. After all, I will only have one more second or so in which to think about myself. Once they put that baby in my arms, it's pretty much all about her for the rest of my life.
I am getting some stuff done around the house, things that would still go undone if I was working. Every so often- every time I've moved, in fact- I go through my "memory box", which is not a box as much as a broken file accordion from Staples that was so stuffed it no longer closes. Each time I go through it, I throw away more stuff that I previously thought I would need forever. This morning, I got rid of some cards, letters, old scripts to things, some pictures... however, I cannot get myself to throw out my 8th grade autograph book and I still can't figure out why. Maybe on the next go round.
My baby shower was this past weekend and the amount of gifts I received cannot be converted to the written word. There are so many clothes that I could throw out every outfit she wears for the first 6 months of her life after she's worn it once. I will most likely be returning a lot of them (as some of them are doubles... or, in the case of one set, one of FIVE) and using the credit to Babies R US for formula and diapers, which I hear tell I will need a lot of. Put that with the other gift cards and cash we received and I'm expecting to not have to lay out money for this kid for a while. But I'm sure it won't last half as long as I think. I literally have no idea how much diapers and formula cost.
Well, it won't be long now...